Diablo 4 has a new currency that may have you confused if you’re not quite sure where to spend Obols. This purple coin is also labeled Murmuring Obols when it drops on the floor. For those of you familiar with Diablo 3, this currency is similar to Blood Shards in the way you spend it.
Tips and Tricks
If you’re one of many people playing the Diablo 4 beta, you may be wondering how to get the Wolf Pup. This is a cosmetic item where a small wolf pup rests on your back in a carrier. Unlike other gear that you can equip in armor slots, this is exclusively a Back Slot item. …
Learning how to salvage items in Diablo 4 is important since you’re going to end up with a ton of them. As is the case with most action-RPGs, they love to throw loot at you that you have to get rid of somehow. Whether that’s by selling it all for money or salvaging it into …
Sons of the Forest may be filled with dangerous cannibals and mutants, but there is one mutant you can become friends with. So if you’re one of many players wondering how to befriend Virginia, this guide is for you. It’s easy to get confused because she’s quite timid when you first meet her.
Sons of the Forest makes it easy to build a simple base or a massive one depending on how you want to play. With that said, your base probably has a door that loves to swing open the second someone walks into it. That can be troubling when it’s a cannibal, leaving players to wonder, …
Figuring out how to use the sled in Sons of the Forest shouldn’t be confusing, and yet it still is. At first, you may be wondering how you’re even supposed to use it. Is it the new log sled, is it for riding in the snow, etc.? Don’t worry, our guide dives into how to …
One of the most common questions Sons of the Forest players have is how to get the shovel. If you want to beat the game and get all sorts of fun items to play with, you’ll need to track this one down. Especially since there are a number of secrets buried underground such as bunkers …
Near the end game of Sons of the Forest there’s a bunker where you can get Golden Armor. However, it’s possible to leave this bunker through a cave where you can no longer return. While it can be disappointing to not get a cool set of armor, there are unfortunately bigger issues than that.
It can get quite dark at night in Sons of the Forest so it helps to know how to light a standing torch. You wouldn’t think such a simple task would be confusing, but the building system can take a minute to learn. This is because there are two different ways to build which can …
Sons of the Forest has a ton of unique items that you can find as you explore its massive world. While you do need certain equipment to progress in the limited story, there are other useful items like the cross. Chances are likely you’ve found it if you’re here and are wondering, what does the …