Dead Island 2 has a ton of different stats, traits, and status effects that can be intimidating at first. While simple ones like ignited or electrified may be easy to understand, others are tougher. Such as what is resilience or how agility works.
Dead Island 2 has many terms that can be confusing if you don’t know what they mean. Especially when you see the several slayer traits and status effects that exist. One of these terms may have you asking, what is a well-timed dodge?
Learning how to make money fast in Dead Island 2 is useful if you want to craft or buy items. Especially since the match level mechanic can be really expensive. And when you’re first starting out, you probably won’t have anywhere near enough money.
Dead Island 2 is filled with skill cards to pick as you get deeper into the story and unlock them all. This is where the fun starts as you build your character deciding what the best skills to use are. While it can depend a little bit on your play style, I’ve put together some …
Before you jump into Dead Island 2 for all your zombie killing needs, it’s worth taking a look at our 10 best tips and tricks. Regardless of whether you’ve played previous games in the franchise, we all know it’s been quite a while. So it doesn’t hurt to have some advice going in.
As you work your way through Dead Island 2 you’ll probably want to know how to level fast. This can help you unlock new skill cards with unique passive buffs. Even though many skills are locked to progression in the story or other methods of getting them.
You’ll quickly become familiar with the many workbenches in Dead Island 2 as you craft unique weapons. Many players may notice a button prompt at the workbench making them wonder, what is match level? This is alongside other ones like repairing, upgrades, and scrapping as well.
Learning how to get fuses in Dead Island 2 is a great way to get strong new weapons to play with. You may have already come across a breaker box that requires a fuse and you don’t have one. This typically opens a room where you can get a bunch of materials and more.
Weapon durability is always a controversial decision that has gamers at odds and this isn’t any different with Dead Island 2. While you’ll probably start out with a basic piece of wood as a weapon, you’ll eventually equip much more interesting ones. This is where you start to find a favorite and begin to wonder, …
Players wondering what happens when you die in Dead Island 2 are in the right place. This is a common question among many games where people are worried about losing progress or experience. Especially in an RPG where you’re grinding through those levels to reach better gear.