The fighting game MultiVersus has a couple of different currencies and token types that can make it confusing at first. Such as what are Premium Tokens especially when they’re referred to differently depending on where you look. While there isn’t a definition anywhere in-game for how they’re used, our guide will quickly cover it.
MultiVersus is a fighting game where each character has their own class/role alongside other tags as well. Examples include vertical and horizontal giving players an idea of how that character plays. However, there’s one undefined tag that has players wondering, what does Experimental mean?
If you’re new to the fighting game MultiVersus, you’re probably wondering how to unlock characters. Whether you’ve seen a character in a video that you want to try or maybe just have nostalgia for one. This guide answers how to unlock new characters, the free rotation, and how to get gold too.
If you’ve been playing a lot of the fighting game MultiVersus and wondering how to see MMR, this guide is for you. For those that don’t already know, MMR stands for Matchmaking Rating. This is a common system in competitive games to help matchmake players with similar skill levels.
Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Lighthouse map in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. I’ve also included some tips and tricks similar to other map guides to help you out.
The Escape from Tarkov developer added more to the weapon malfunction mechanics in patch 0.12.12 leading people to wonder, how to fix malfunctions? If you’re someone who loves to loot gear from SCAVs, you may find yourself running into more malfunctions and misfires. This is because durability plays a large role.
If you’re not sure how to use the compass in Escape from Tarkov, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. The 12.12.30 patch wipe introduced a new feature that you may have noticed but not quite been sure of how to use. This has to do with the three special slots in your PMC inventory.
Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Woods map in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. I’ve also included some tips and tricks similar to other map guides to help you out.
Early into playing V Rising you’ll probably find yourself wondering what is Stone Dust for? Similar to Sawdust from a Sawmill, you’ll likely end up with a bunch of Stone Dust and not much use. This is because both are byproducts that you can’t immediately use until learning certain recipes.
If you’re like most people playing V Rising, you’re probably wondering what is Sawdust for? The chances are likely that you have a bunch of it and aren’t quite sure what to do with it. This is because it’s a byproduct of making Planks at a Sawmill. For every Plank you make, you’ll end up …