Learn all the different exits and extracts on the Interchange map in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re having trouble getting out for some reason. I’ve also included plenty of tips and tricks similar to our other Tarkov map guides.
Battlestate Games
Escape from Tarkov is a difficult game that has many players asking the question, how to get an empty server. If you can get a server without any players in it, the only thing you have to worry about is enemy SCAVs. This helps with doing money runs and simply having a much safer time.
If you’re a fan of battle royale games with a twist, you’ve probably heard of both Hunt: Showdown and Escape from Tarkov. Both games revolve around players fighting each other with some AI/PvE mixed in. However, unlike many battle royale games, they have a form of progression outside the match.
Escape from Tarkov’s Tagged and Cursed mode is a popular choice for offline mode. I briefly spoke about it in my article on what Scav War is. However, I wanted to do a more in-depth look at Tagged and Cursed for curious Tarkov players.
Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Factory map in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. I also have a few tips on where dangerous areas are and what bosses spawn here.
Learn all the different Escape from Tarkov extracts on the Reserve map. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. Also, I showcase which areas are the most dangerous alongside great areas to loot too.
Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Shoreline map in Escape from Tarkov. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. I also have a few tips on where dangerous areas are and what bosses spawn here.
All new players should take advantage of Escape from Tarkov’s Scav War feature. If you’re not sure what that is or how to use it, take a look at our guide below. It’s an easy way to learn EFT without losing all your gear.
Knowing how to create guns in Escape from Tarkov with Presets is a useful skill to have. As long as you don’t run into bugs, it’s a quick way to save your favorite gun setup and build it too. Take a look at my guide below that explains the ins and outs of how it …
A common discussion in the Escape from Tarkov community is whether or not macros are allowed. If you search around online, you’ll stumble across forums and Reddit threads mostly filled with people saying their own thoughts but no official statement. However, developer Battlestate Games does have a blurred stance against macros.