Living in an old house leads to sporadic problems like paint peeling, a leaky faucet, or even disasters like flooding. This is why it’s almost perfect that the day I was getting ready to play Home Safety Hotline, a game revolving around household problems, my basement flooded. It’s as if the universe was trying to …
Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Ground Zero map in Escape from Tarkov. As usual with any map guide here at Slyther Games, I’ve also included info on all the special extractions as well. It’s easy to get confused and not know why an extract isn’t working considering Tarkov doesn’t tell you …
Just under three months out from Payday 3’s release we’ve got our first expansion, the Syntax Error bundle. It includes a new heist, four masks, four suits, four gloves, and three new weapons to try. If you own the silver or gold edition, you’ll already have access to it. For those who don’t, I’m here …
The latest Skull and Bones closed beta gave me a chance to check out Ubisoft’s seafaring pirate game. I wasn’t sure what to expect since we all know it’s been in development for a while alongside many delays. I mean hell, it was announced at E3 six years ago which as of a week ago …
Medieval Dynasty recently launched a multiplayer update where players can team up as they survive and build their village. While I didn’t get a chance to test the multiplayer, I jumped in for the first time putting in 30 hours. For those of you new to the game, here are some of the best tips …
One of the common questions I’ve seen in the SteamWorld Build community is how to get Vectron Parts. The confusion around this is due to how early the game introduces this new resource when you’re unable to gather it. Which can make this feel like a bug or wall where you can’t progress. In most …
Clicker games come in all shapes and sizes even though it can still be difficult to stand out. You have to come up with a creative theme that hooks players into that gameplay loop of watching a number go up. This is where developer David Moralejo Sánchez delivers a refreshing take via an unexpected perspective, …
As you make your way deeper into the underground of SteamWorld Build you’ll eventually run into aggressive creatures. While your Guards can deal with most of them, they’ll sometimes need a little help. This is the case for learning how to get rid of creep.
The best tool every city builder should have is a way to move buildings and fortunately, SteamWorld Build has one. There’s nothing more frustrating than accidentally placing a building that’s off by just one little tile.
Quest Giver reverses the typical RPG setup by having you play the role of an NPC giving quests. As you experience different scenarios, you’ll have to manage your heroes and properly assign them quests. If you misstep, you may lead them to their death and inevitably, get fired.