Check out every guide we have on the 4x strategy game Humankind so you’re not clueless going in.
Scouting is an extremely important part of Humankind as it is in any strategy game. That includes exploring the ocean so you can find other continents and even islands to colonize. Plus, you can’t even interact with other empires until you’ve first met them. This is why you need to know how to embark units …
Muck is a survival roguelite game where it continues to get more difficult the further you get. As goes with any survival game, you’re often trying to craft stronger tools and weapons. This is simply a part of the gameplay loop that goes with this genre. Continue reading our short guide below on what the …
Culture conversion is a mechanic in Humankind where you can spread enough Influence to bring empires into your Sphere of Influence. This can be a confusing system to understand if you’re new to it.
Humankind is a 4X strategy game where knowing whether or not to attach an outpost can be important. This is because attaching an outpost comes with advantages and disadvantages that you should understand before rushing in. The last thing you want is a city mutiny where independent units spawn to fight you.
Winning a war in Humankind can be a challenge if you don’t completely understand the War Support mechanic. This feature measures how much your empire supports going to war with another empire. Also, it shows how your people feel about continuing one if you’re already in a war. This is why it’s important to understand …
While playing Humankind you may have come across a “Clear Ruins” city option without quite knowing what it is. Ruins can appear in your city for a number of reasons that I’ll go over quickly in this short guide. Continue reading below to see what they look like and how they’re created.
As goes with any 4X strategy game, Humankind has a lot of information that can be confusing. While I’m sure it will become easier to understand over time, one phrase has people quite confused. This is the Coreligioninst State that appears as part of certain buffs without much context.
War can be a complicated mechanic in Humankind for those that are new to this 4X strategy game. Since a significant part of it revolves around war support to make a difference, there are limitations when you’re low. Fortunately, a neat way to still leave a permanent impact is to destroy a city or outpost.
Keeping your armies at full health in Humankind is important if you want to stay alive during a war. Plus, you can take advantage of getting stronger units via Veterancy levels if they live longer. This is why you should learn all the different methods for how to heal units in our guide.