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Dead Rails – How to Revive Players

Dead Rails Zombies Overwhelming a Player on the Train

Make sure you understand how to revive players in Dead Rails using our guide. It isn’t too complicated, but just in case you’re confused, we’ll cover the normal way and how you can also use Robux to do it. Even though I’m not a big fan of the Robux cost, as mentioned in our beginner’s guide.

It’s important to note that the only way to revive when playing alone is by spending Robux. This is due to how the normal way works in the first section below.

How to Revive Players in Dead Rails

Use a Bandage on a Teammate

Dead Rails - Dead Player Surrounded by Dead Zombies

When someone loses all their health, they’ll drop to the ground and then their items will scatter near them. I recommend reviving them before dragging any nearby items or bodies (including them) because it can fling their stuff away. If you’re lucky, their items will stick around, otherwise they can completely glitch out.

As long as your teammate doesn’t quit the game, they’ll have a large skull icon above their head with a message saying, “Revive with Bandage”. As long as you have a Bandage on you, you can walk up to them and hold E (on PC) to revive them. I’m not 100% sure if the Bandage needs to be in your hotkey bar or if your backpack counts too as I haven’t tested it. But if this is the case, you can press the tilde key at the top left of your keyboard to open your backpack.

Dead Rails - Reviving a Player With a Bandage

You’ll probably want to clear the area of any nearby enemies or threats before picking up your teammate. The process takes about four seconds so it’s easy to get yourself into trouble if you don’t have someone protecting you.

If you don’t have any Bandages, you can check if your teammate dropped any when they died. Otherwise, you can buy Bandages from the Doctor in any outpost, loot abandoned Doctor buildings, or find them randomly in any building type. This is why it’s a good idea to keep a Bandage handy and store extras on your train.

Spend Robux to Self-Revive or Revive Everyone

Dead Rails - Self-Revive Robux Cost of 45

When you die in Dead Rails, you’ll have 14 seconds to spend 45 Robux on a self-revive. I’m a little against spending Robux on reviving because you could easily die again and lose your money. Once the timer runs out, you’ll have to wait for another player to revive you using a Bandage. Otherwise, if everyone dies, you’ll get a screen saying so where it has an option to spend 200 Robux to revive everyone.

As previously mentioned, if you’re playing alone, you’ll only be able to revive using either of these two options. This forces you to play a little more carefully. I recommend keeping Snake Oil on you and using ranged weapons when possible to stay alive. Unlike the Bandage, you can use Snake Oil instantly but it heals you over time instead. However, you can’t use Snake Oil to revive other players.

That’s all there is to this Dead Rails guide on how to revive players or yourself. For other tips, feel free to check out our beginner’s guide or learn how to get bonds so you can unlock classes. The first class you may want to get is the Doctor since they start with two Bandages and 2 Snake Oil.