Dead Island 2 has a ton of different stats, traits, and status effects that can be intimidating at first. While simple ones like ignited or electrified may be easy to understand, others are tougher. Such as what is resilience or how agility works.
By grabbing information from within Dead Island 2 I’ve listed each stat below with their description. This includes slayer traits, status effects, and stat definitions for melee and ranged weapons. Certain information is directly from in-game while a couple of stats have been worded slightly differently.
Slayer Traits in Dead Island 2
This section covers each of the seven main slayer traits that your character has. As you get further into the story and complete challenges, you’ll get persistent buffs increasing them. Also, you can see slayer traits by pressing the TAB button on PC and then clicking into the Slayer menu.
Trait Name | Trait Description |
Peak Health | Determines your maximum health. |
Stamina | Determines how many heavy attacks and special moves you can perform in quick succession in combat before needing to catch your breath. |
Agility | Determines your base movement speed. |
Toughness | Determines the total physical damage you take from zombie attacks. The tougher you are, the less physical damage you’ll take. |
Critical Damage | Determines the total damage you do when performing a critical hit. |
Health Recovery | Determines how quickly your health recovers — both when critically hurt and for normal health regeneration. |
Resilience | Determines your protection against Fire, Shock, and Caustic damage, and the harmful status effects Ignited, Electrified, and Melting. THe higher your resilience, the less such damage you’ll take and the slower you’ll build up these status effects. |
Status Effects in Dead Island 2
This section covers every status effect that can affect both your character and zombies. While certain ones like Stunned and Weakened only impact zombies, others like Ignited and Electrified can affect you. These effects are typically from weapon mods, environmental hazards, or curveballs.
Status Name | Status Description |
Ignited | Causes fire damage over time. This will ignite any flammable environmental hazards in range. |
Electrified | Causes shock damage over time. This can arc to other targets nearby. It also stuns zombies. |
Melting | Causes caustic damage over time. It also makes the afflicted more vulnerable to fire, shock, and caustic damage. |
Bleeding | Causes bleed damage over time. |
Blinded | Causes vision to be partially or completely obscured. |
Slowed | Causes sprinting to be disabled. |
Stunned | Zombies can’t move or attack, but can be counter-attacked. |
Weakened | Zombies take more damage from physical attacks. |
Frenzied | Zombies are more aggressive, and recover faster from being vulnerable. |
Traumatized | Zombies are disoriented and can’t move or attack. Damaging them removes the effect. |
Soggy | Zombies are wet and will become electrified faster from shock damage. |
Flammable | Zombies are coated in fuel and will become ignited faster from fire damage. |
Vulnerable | When a zombie’s stability reaches zero they will collapse to the floor or to their knees and take increased damage. |
Exposed | Zombies that fail to hit or grapple you will take increased stability damage. |
Immune | While not a status effect, this appears when a zombie is immune to an element and as such will take no damage. |
Melee Weapon Stats in Dead Island 2
This section covers the many different stats attached to a melee weapon. Depending on the weapon type or playstyle you’re going for, you may want to prioritize certain stats. Even though you’ll almost always want a higher Power stat for better gear. The weapons you get will continue to rise as your level does.
Stat Name | Stat Description |
Power | The overall level of a weapon, including mods and perks. |
Damage | The amount of damage done per hit. |
Base Damage Type | The damage a weapon does without any added mods. |
Force | Shows how much stability you’ll drain with each hit. |
Speed | Shows how fast a weapon swings and hits. |
Max Durability | Shows how much a weapon can be used before it breaks. |
Critical Multiplier | The amount by which damage is multiplied when landing critical hits. |
Limb Damage | Represents how much damage a weapon typically does to zombie limbs. The higher the number, the better it is at maiming zombies. |
Ranged Weapon Stats in Dead Island 2
This section covers the many stats that ranged weapons have. If you read the previous section on melee weapons, you’ll recognize the first few stats since they’re similar. However, unlike melee weapons, ranged ones don’t have durability to worry about.
Stat Name | Stat Description |
Power | The overall level of a weapon, including mods and perks. |
Damage | The amount of damage done per shot. |
Base Damage Type | The damage a weapon does without any added mods. |
Force | Shows how much stability you’ll drain with each shot. |
Fire Rate | Shows how fast a weapon fires. |
Accuracy | Shows how close to where you aimed that your shots will hit. The higher the value, the more accurate the weapon. |
Magazine Size | Shows how many shots a weapon carries. |
Range | Shows how far shots from a weapon can travel. The higher the value, the farther they’ll go. |
Critical Multiplier | The amount by which damage is multiplied when landing critical hits. |
That’s all there is to this guide on all the Dead Island 2 stats and traits with their descriptions. There are a variety of terms in this zombie slaying game that can be confusing. Another one we wrote a separate guide on is how well-timed dodges and blocks work.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.
Tuesday 23rd of May 2023
I usually try having the bleed status alinement on my weapons, i perfer affects that cause damage over time.