Muck is a free survival roguelite where you may have stumbled across a unique Lighting Ball item. If you’ve been playing for a while and fighting some of the tougher enemies, you’ll start to find a few rare items. This is one of them that many players in the Muck community have been wondering how it works. Continue reading our guide below for how it works with new updates.
What Do Lightning Balls Do in Muck
Players originally assumed that this was an item that developer Dani didn’t implement into the game. However, with some speculation and plenty of Steam Discussions questioning what it does, we finally know how the Lightning Ball and every other elemental works too.
Muck has four different elemental ball items that you can get from certain enemies. Originally, you could simply equip a ball like the Lightning Ball as an arrow and shoot it. This changed in Update 3 where you’ll need to craft elemental arrows at the Fletching Table instead.
Fortunately, it’s nothing too crazy, but it does require a much higher tier of material to make. You’ll need to reach Adamantite so you can chop down Dark Oak trees. Afterward, use 1 Dark Oak Wood and 1 Lightning Ball to create 4 Lightning Arrows. Our Muck guide on how to use and shoot bows dives deeper into them if you need more help.
The other rare ball types are Fire, Frost, and Wind. You can get the Lightning, Fire, and Frost ball from Dave variants that have that element. For those that don’t know, the raptor-looking enemies are called Dave. And you can get the Wind Ball from Wyverns. Another example of a rare item you can get in Muck is the Wyvern Claws for a Wyvern Dagger.
If you’d like to see more Muck guides here at Slyther Games, I’ve listed a few below that may be of interest to you. Our Beginner Guide is great for people just starting out if you have a friend new to the game.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.
Monday 14th of June 2021
You put the ball in the arrow slot and fire it like an arrow
Jeffrey Lerman
Monday 14th of June 2021
Thanks for the heads up Chris, I'll edit my article to reflect that. I'm glad it's nothing too complicated. But I'm sure most people won't think to use it that way haha.
Monday 14th of June 2021