Welcome to our Eternal Return: Black Survival Aya Build filled with tips and tricks for learning and mastering her. This guide includes specific items to use, tips for how to use her skills, and other miscellaneous tricks you may not know. If you’re looking for general Eternal Return: Black Survival tips and tricks, we have those here too.
Skills With Tips |
Build Items and Route |
Aya Tips and Tricks |
Learning Aya’s Skills
Aya Sniper Build Items
This is a sniper build I started using that Tomsorcer got from Korean players. The Tac-50 sniper rifle limits you to two shots per reload, but this build focuses on using skill amplification heavily instead. A good chunk of your damage comes from harassing with Double Shot, Steady Shot, and potentially ambushing with Blank Cartridge. The Sniper weapon skill can work well for finishing an enemy running away or engaging in an active fight.
The route for this build keeps you in Temple a little long looking for three Gemstones. However, you can teleport from Temple to School, then teleport from Alley to Forest. In order to give you some options, a build from Scazzaf is also below. The weapons shown in the table below are for the Tac-50 build.
- Build Import Code (Tomsorcer): 170836
- Build Import Code (Scazzaf): 73222
Tac-50 | Attack Power +140, Vision Range +2.5, Life Steal +20%, 2 Ammo |
Sunset Armor | Defense +28, Max Health +360 |
Imperial Burgonet | Defense +10, Max SP +200, Movement Speed +0.1, Critical Damage Reduction +10%, Cooldown Reduction +10%, Skill Amplification +18% |
Draupnir | Defense +10, Max SP +240, HP Regen +1, Skill Amplification +17% |
Straightjacket Sneakers | SP Regen +0.7, SP Regen +50%, Movement Speed +0.35, Skill Amplification +10 |
Uchiwa | SP Regen +100%, Life Steal +15%, Skill Amplification +21 |
Quick Aya Tips and Tricks
- Your engage will either start with an R ultimate or harassing with Q. Then, follow up with W and maybe finish with D. Your E is situational if you need to escape or chase. So essentially, R/Q-W-Q-D.
- Moving Turn on Aya’s E can be used for dashing through walls to escape or chase.
- You can use Blank Cartridge from a bush to get a quick stun with decent damage. Don’t be afraid to use it mid-fight as well.
- Your Sniper weapon skill works best when there’s nothing for someone to hide behind. So avoid using it indoors.
- Level up your Q, W, and E once, then max out your Q and ultimate on R.
- As your Double Shot (Q) is on a low cooldown, take advantage of it for hunting animals. Your Steady Shot (W) works great on quickly killing boars, wolves, and bears too. This will help hone your weapon masteries if you’re not hunting players.
- Don’t forget to reload in-between fights. You can also reload while using your Steady Shot (W) and plenty of other actions too.
If you’re playing Eternal Return: Black Survival and have some Aya tips of your own, be sure to let others know in the comments. And if you’re looking for more content, we’ve got a tier list guide here based on win rates. Or if you’d prefer some tips on leveling quickly, we’ve got that here too.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.