If you’ve started playing Everspace 2 and you’re not sure how to get new ships, you’re in the right place. This guide explains how to get new ships, where to find them, and how many are in the game. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.
How to Get New Ships in Everspace 2
Before you can get a new ship in Everspace 2, you’ll need to make some progress in the story. During the Spares & Scrap mission, you’ll meet G&B Officer Shaw at the Nephtys Plains site. After destroying some outlaws attacking them, you can dock at the Nephtys Plains Station and get a new ship.
Under the Ship Dealer menu, you can purchase one of five different ships, with a few variants. Some variants are purely a cosmetic difference with unique colors, while others are higher tier versions that are stronger.
Once you progress the story enough to reach the Union System, more ships become available at the Freelancer Hangar. Continue reading below for in-detail information on some of the ships you’ll find in Everspace 2. As this game is still currently in development, more ships may become available later. Click the name of a ship below to immediately see it.
Ships may have different skins for each player, varying from ones shown in the screenshots below. Also, ships available at each trader seem to change. This may mean ships listed below aren’t guaranteed to be at a station when you check them.
All Ships and Their Stats
- Sentinel I
- Interceptor I
- Striker I
- Gunship I+
- Scout I+
- Gunship I
- Gunship I (Cosmetic)
- Sentinel I+
- Scout I
- Striker I+
- Interceptor I+
Sentinel I
The Sentinel I is the first ship players have when Everspace 2’s world opens up. The above screenshot shows a different skin you can purchase from Nephtys Plains Station. This ship sacrifices armor for shielding, hopefully preventing more station visits for repair. See below for the Sentinel I’s stats.
- Shield: 25%
- Armor: 0%
- Hull: 280
- Special: Calibration – 30% increased duration of buffs applied to self.
- Ult: Static Overload – Turns the ship’s primary weapons into lightning guns, firing arcing electricity at enemies and everything around them.
- Passives: Killing an enemy using Static Overload restores 10% of shield hitpoints.
Interceptor I
The Interceptor I is first available at the Nephtys Plains Station where you can purchase it for 13,325 credits. This ship’s special makes it great for hammering enemies without having to worry about exhausting your weapon energy. See below for the Inceptor I’s stats.
- Shield: 10%
- Armor: 5%
- Hull: 360
- Special: Power Converter – Weapons use boost energy after weapon energy is depleted.
- Ult: Weapon Overdrive – Heavily boosts weapon damage and fire rate and provides unlimited energy. Killing an enemy increases the remaining duration by 1.0s.
- Passives: 10% increased primary weapon damage.
If you purchase an Interceptor I from the Freelancer Hangar in Union system, it has a different skin, design, and passive. The passive is: Refund 20% of the used ULT energy after deactivating Weapon Overdrive. This Interceptor I is available for 13,153 credits. It’s possible a different Interceptor I model may be available with the first passive mentioned above.
Striker I
The Striker I is first available at the Nephtys Plains Station where you can purchase it for 12,885 credits. This ship’s ult makes it so multiple enemies take damage when one enemy does. You can certainly use this to destroy a group of ships while only focusing on one. Combining that with the Close Combat special explained below makes the Striker I a powerhouse. See below for the Striker I’s stats.
- Shield: 5%
- Armor: 10%
- Hull: 300
- Special: Close Combat – +5% increased damage for each enemy within 500m up to 30%.
- Ult: Quantum Tether – Turns the target into a tether anchor that connects them to surrounding enemies who will receive all damage applied to the target. Damage increases with each tethered enemy.
- Passives: Locked enemy targets suffer 20% speed reduction.
If you purchase a Striker I from the Freelancer Hangar in Union system, it has a different skin, design, and passive. The passive is: Activating Quantum Tether instantly repairs 50% of armor. This Striker I is available for 12,741 credits.
Gunship I+
The Gunship I+ is first available at Nephtys Plains Station where it’s purchasable for 30,905 credits. As one of the more expensive ships, it’s easily the most durable ship you’ll come across. As a higher tier Gunship, it has a massive amount of armor and hull to keep it alive. While the Arsenal special still helps with dishing out damage by doubling your fire rate. See below for the Gunship I+’s stats.
- Shield: 5%
- Armor: 65%
- Hull: 672
- Special: Arsenal – Uses four primary hardpoints, effectively doubling both fire rate and energy consumption.
- Ult: Turret – Automated turret that fires projectiles at your enemies for 20s after activation.
- Passives: 30% bonus damage against drones.
If you purchase a Gunship I+ from the Freelancer Hangar in Union system, it has a different skin and passive. The passive just lists “Coil Gun Gurret” which may be a typo for turret. This is likely a different turret compared to the Nephtys Plains Station model. This Gunship I+ is available for 31,247 credits.
Scout I+
The Scout I+ is first available at the Nephtys Plains Station where you can purchase it for 31,016 credits. As a squishy ship with low health and even a negative armor percentage, you need to stay far away from enemies. Fortunately, the Ranger special makes the Scout I+ deal more damage the farther it is from a target. See below for the Scout I+’s stats.
- Shield: 0%
- Armor: -10%
- Hull: 224
- Special: Ranger – Deals 2% increased damage per 100m distance to target.
- Ult: Shadow Strike – Renders the ship invisible to enemies and gradually increases weapon damage up to 300%. Resets when a shot is fired. Firing weapons will also draw attention and let enemies briefly target the ship
- Passives: Can’t be detected by mines during Shadow Strike.
If you purchase a Scout I+ from the Freelancer Hangar in Union system, it has a different skin and passive. The passive is: 30% increased weapon range. This Scout I+ is available for 29,583 credits. Another passive variant is: 100% increased boost energy regeneration during Shadow Strike.
Gunship I
The Gunship I is first available at the Nephtys Plains Station where you can purchase it for 12,672 credits. Instead of jumping right into the higher tier plus version, this is a cheaper alternative that still has a ton of armor and hull health. Take advantage of both its’ special and ult to deal consistent damage. See below for the Gunship I’s stats.
- Shield: 0%
- Armor: 60%
- Hull: 480
- Special: Arsenal – Uses four primary hardpoints, effectively doubling both fire rate and energy consumption.
- Ult: Turret – Automated turret that fires projectiles at your enemies for 20s after activation.
- Passives: Turret will also attack mines.
Gunship I (Cosmetic)
This version of the Gunship I is purely an alternate skin purchasable at Nephtys Plains Station for 14,353 credits. The stats below are the same as the Gunship I version mentioned above this ship.
- Shield: 0%
- Armor: 60%
- Hull: 480
- Special: Arsenal – Uses four primary hardpoints, effectively doubling both fire rate and energy consumption.
- Ult: Turret – Automated turret that fires projectiles at your enemies for 20s after activation.
- Passives: Turret will also attack mines.
Sentinel I+
This is an upgraded version of the starter Sentinel ship with overall advances in its stats. It has more shield, armor, and hull, with a slight increase in speed and handling. If you prefer sticking with the starter ship, this is the next move to make for 31,177 credits. You can purchase this ship at the Freelancer Hangar in Union System. See below for the Sentinel I+’s stats.
- Shield: 30%
- Armor: 5%
- Hull: 392
- Special: Calibration – 30% increased duration of buffs applied to self.
- Ult: Static Overload – Turns the ship’s primary weapons into lightning guns, firing arcing electricity at enemies and everything around them.
- Passives: 20% reduced cooldowns for warfare devices.
Other passives available on Sentinel I+ ships at the Freelancer Hangar include:
- Instantly reset all support device cooldowns when shield depletes (once every 2 minutes).
- Each kill reduces the cooldown of a random device by 1s.
Scout I
While the Scout I+ becomes available first, this is the lower-tier version available at the Freelancer Hangar in Union System. This ship sacrifices health for a slightly quicker speed with massive handling, and a focus on using long-range weapons. The Ranger special works best with the Rail Gun due to its 3500m range engagement. You can purchase this ship for 13,524. See below for the Scout I’s stats.
- Shield: -5%
- Armor: -15%
- Hull: 160
- Special: Ranger – Deals 2% increased damage per 100m distance to target.
- Ult: Shadow Strike – Renders the ship invisible to enemies and gradually increases weapon damage up to 300%. Resets when a shot is fired. Firing weapons will also draw attention and let enemies briefly target the ship
- Passives: Can’t be detected by mines during Shadow Strike.
There are two more versions of the Scout I ship available at the Freelancer Hangar with unique passives. One of these has the same skin and appearance as the above screenshot, while the other has a gray look with a red trim. Each passive is listed below along with the price of that version.
- 100% increased boost energy regeneration during Shadow Strike. (13,524 credits)
- Gain 5s of invincibility after Shadow Strike ends. (13,432 credits)
Striker I+
This is an upgraded version of the Striker I, that is first available at Nephtys Plains Station. The Striker I+ is an overall upgrade to each stat with increased shield, armor, and health compared to the previous tier. You can purchase it at the Freelancer Hangar in Union System for 30,491 credits. See below for the Striker I+’s stats.
- Shield: 10%
- Armor: 15%
- Hull: 420
- Special: Close Combat – +5% increased damage for each enemy within 500m up to 30%.
- Ult: Quantum Tether – Turns the target into a tether anchor that connects them to surrounding enemies who will receive all damage applied to the target. Damage increases with each tethered enemy.
- Passives: Locked enemy targets suffer 20% speed reduction.
Interceptor I+
This is an upgraded version of the Interceptor I that can be found at the Freelancer Hangar in Union System. Priced at 30,620, you’re getting a more durable ship without much else changed. Keep an eye out for different Interceptor I+ versions here as they may contain different passive abilities. See below for the Interceptor I+’s stats.
- Shield: 15%
- Armor: 10%
- Hull: 504
- Special: Power Converter – Weapons use boost energy after weapon energy is depleted.
- Ult: Weapon Overdrive – Heavily boosts weapon damage and fire rate and provides unlimited energy. Killing an enemy increases the remaining duration by 1.0s.
- Passives: 10% increased primary weapon damage.
Other passive buffs that you may find on Interceptor I+’s at the Freelancer Hangar include:
- Collecting an energy orb grants +1% increased critical hit chance for 8 seconds up to 20%
- Primary weapon hits refund 30% of their energy cost.
I hope this guide helps you decide what ship you want to use in Everspace 2. If you have any questions regarding the game, comment below for some help.
Everspace 2 became available for Steam Early Access on January 18, 2021. Other platforms may release later such as Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, PlayStation 4 & 5.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.
Friday 28th of July 2023
Hello, I haven't played much in Ewerspace 2 (but I will catch up) and I have a question if there are ballistic weapons in this game: cannons, machine guns (I mean mainly hitscan weapons, such as most weapons in Counter strike
Mainly I'm talking about weapons in which the bullets fly very quickly to the target (and ballistic weapons are just such) and you have the comfort that when shooting at a fleeing and maneuvering target you don't have to take any big advances when aiming